It’s springtime – the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming… and pets are getting into things they shouldn’t.

In a cold climate like ours, the spring is one of the most highly anticipated times of the year for both humans and domestic pets. After all, no living creature is immune from the joys of sitting in a pool of sunlight and smelling the fresh air after months of freezing cold and cabin fever.

With all it’s joys, the spring also can pose threats to the safety and health of our beloved furry friends. But as long as you know what to look for and how to protect them, everyone can enjoy the season safely.

1. Screens Only

Feel free to let the fresh air in! But never leave a window open that doesn’t have a screen. Curious pets are likely to investigate and risk falling out. Even if it’s a first floor window and they don’t get hurt, they’ll find themselves alone outside, which comes with a great many risks in itself. When you begin opening screened windows for the first time, make sure they’re snugly fitted and won’t fall out if pushed by an adventurous paw.

2. Garden with Care

If you enjoy growing a beautiful garden or indoor plants, that shouldn’t change if you have pets. What may need to change, however, is the way that you garden. When considering use of any fertilizers or pesticides, be sure to research carefully to make sure they don’t pose harm to pets. Also, take care in choosing which plants to grow. Popular spring plants like azaleas, lilies, and rhododendron are toxic to pets. Those aren’t the only ones though – click here for a comprehensive list.

3. Critter Control

Whether or not your pet spends much time outside, they should be on year-round heart worm, flea and tick medication to prevent them from the increase in bug activity.

4. Outdoor Safety

More outside time means more risk of dangerous interactions with other animals, getting lost or running into the road. This time of year, it’s good to be extra vigilant about keeping an eye on your pet in the yard or dog park. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to get your pet chipped and suited up with an identity tag.

5. Spring Cleaning

Cleaning and home improvement projects tend to increase right along with the temperature. So, whenever you’re working on anything that involves tools or chemicals that can be harmful to pets, it’s important to take care in keeping them away. It’s best to lock them away in another part of your home until the dangerous items are put away.

6. Keep Cool & Carry On

While the weather is pretty mild right now, it will start to heat up very soon. The most important thing to remember during warm weather is that the inside of cars heat up very quickly, so you should never leave your pet inside your car for any amount of time. They also need to have access to fresh water, shade and cool spaces when it’s above 75 degrees.

Lastly, keep in mind that emergency veterinarians are always on call in case you have a concern about your pet at night, on the weekend or holidays. If you’re ever worried about your pet’s health, please don’t hesitate to come in or call Animal Emergency of Mokena for help.