Let’s just go ahead and get it out of the way – PUPPIES AND KITTENS ARE SO, SO CUTE!!

Yes, it’s absolutely true that baby cats and dogs are some of the cutest beings in the whole, wide world. We will never, ever disagree with that. In fact, just talking about it makes us want to go play with some right now.

But here’s another true thing: adults pets need forever homes just as badly as the babies. And it’s actually pretty great to adopt an adult pet. Don’t believe us? Here are 6 good reasons that will change your mind…

1. They Need You More

There’s a greater demand for kittens and puppies. So, adults have a harder time getting adopted and tend to spend more time in shelters. We don’t know about you, but that makes us pretty sad. It’s hard to think about adorable, sweet pets getting passed over time and time again just because they’re not babies.

2. They Won’t Destroy Your House

Obviously there are no guarantees with the behavior of a pet of any age. But the fact is, pets who are a year of age or older will be far less likely to cause damage to your home and belongings. If it’s your first pet, you still may need to make some adjustments to pet-proof your home, but you can bet there won’t be nearly as many chaotic moments.

3. What You See Is What You Get

When you adopt a kitten or puppy, there’s a lot of uncertainty about how they will turn out once they’re out of the puppy and kitten phase. Considering that he or she will be with you for the next decade or more, wouldn’t you rather choose a pet based on a personality that will stay that way?

4. Less Training Required

While you still may need to teach your new pet a bit about the rules of your home, it’s very likely that they are already house trained or litter box trained. They’ll probably also be used to human sleeping schedules, so they’ll be less likely to wake you up throughout the night.

5. They’re Perfect for Kids, Seniors & Newbies

Adult pets are great for kiddos, senior citizens and first-time pet owners. Older pets are usually calmer and better mannered, so they won’t frighten kids or be too rambunctious for seniors who just want companionship. And new pet owners will have an easier time acclimating to a pet that’s already spent lots of time with people and in homes.

6. You’ll Feel Like a Hero

When you leave the shelter with a wonderful adult pet who has been looking for a home for a long time, you’ll be filled with a sense of satisfaction that you’ve never felt before. Life at an animal shelter is so much better than life on the street, but it’s not ideal for long-term. If you take a pet home who has spent months waiting to be chosen, you can feel great knowing you’ve truly saved an animal who desperately needs your love.

Next time you consider bringing a new pet into your life, please consider adopting one that is a year or older. You’ll have a huge selection of beautiful, friendly, affectionate pets who would love to be your new best friend. Click here to find the shelters in your area and make sure to let the staff know what kind of pet you’re looking for. Chances are, they’ll be able to match you with the perfect one.