As grownup pet owners, we all understand the circle of life and the fact that animals’ lives are shorter than we wish they were. That doesn’t make it any less difficult to lose a beloved pet.

There’s not much anyone can do or say to make you feel better about the loss.

However, there may be some meaningful things you can do to bring yourself a little comfort as you adjust to life without your furry friend. Honoring their life in these ways can bring you some closure and help you move forward.

1. Create a Photo Memory Book

There are many websites that will create beautiful, physical photo albums for you. No doubt you have hundreds of photos of your pet on your phone. Instead of just scrolling through them, upload your favorites to one of these sites, choose layouts and colors and have them print a beautiful book you can keep on your coffee table or bookshelf.

2. Donate in Their Memory

Consider honoring your pet’s memory by making a donation in their name. A couple of good options are your local pet shelter or an organization that helps animals of certain breeds or with certain conditions.

3. Commission a Portrait

Instead of just printing out a photo, think about how cool it would be to send your favorite photo to a portrait artist to have a special piece of art created. It can be in any style you like and feel is appropriate for you and your pet – realistic, cartoon, renaissance, etc. Put it in a nice frame and have a daily reminder of the pet you love.

4. Create a Memorial Garden

If you’re allowed to bury your pet’s remains or ashes on your property, it can be a lovely gesture to create a place in your garden especially for your pet. You may want to add a stone marker, statue, bench, plants, a fountain or windchime to make that spot feel extra special and give you a peaceful place to go and remember your pet.

5. Have a Memorial Event

We memorialize our human loved ones, so why not do the same for our pets? If you’d like to keep things simple, invite your friends and family who loved your pet to your home. Serve some pet-themed treats, display a favorite picture of your pet and ask everyone to share a special memory.

6. Create a Nose or Footprint

No two animals have the same nose or footprint. Make a permanent memento of your pet’s unique nose or paw with a simple kit that you can purchase on Amazon or Chewy. This can be a lovely item to keep in your home or garden.

7. Open Your Heart to a New Pet

There is certainly no rush to get a new pet as it’s normal to take time to grieve your loss first. But, when you’re ready, think about how much joy a new pet could bring to your life. They won’t replace the furry friend you lost. They’ll be a new friend with their own personality and you’ll love them in a different way. And think of it this way – giving a home to another pet in need is a beautiful way to honor the one you lost.

There is no timeline for grief and no one thing that will help you get over the loss you’ve experienced. Just know that your grief is valid and that you should feel free to do whatever you think will help you to move to a place of acceptance.